Even Enai has said that dual wield parry mods are not balanced because dual wield has the absolute highest damage potential of any fighting style. add mt_sprintforward for male and female, it is same. The. Block hit animations don't work well in vanilla block environment! 4. Mod manager download; Manual download;. Video isn't really. So I made everything I can make. Installation Steps Part 3: 1) When Wabbajack finishes installing the list, open your folder titled Skyrim - The Valley, scroll down and double click ModOrganizer. It should have been "In game's explaination" rather than "Bethesda's explaination". [SSE] Dual Wield Parrying Animations : r/skyrimmods So, it looks like the original Dual Wield Blocking mod for Classic works straight out of the box on SSE, now that SKSE64. A shield is a weapon. 0. be turned off in the MCM menu or set to work with all One handed weapons held in the Left Hand It should work with any dual Wield. View the original Mod. 2k-- Random death. it may be vanilla behaviour but op said they're using MCO which is a combat overhaul mod. Power attack animations for left and right hand. fix fomod folder path incorrect isuue. (dual wield sheath has animations for walk/run/sprint tho This thread is archived New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast comments sorted by Best Top New Controversial Q&A renanjc • Additional comment actions. Known issue: If you hold attack (block, in this case) for too long while casting your character will eventually perform a right hand power attack. Special attack: W+PA S+PA D+PA A+PA A+PA NA*N Requires pre: DAR AMR MCO PAYLOAD dTry's Key UtilsIt's an early SE version of Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying. Sword effects from Uniq. 3a and 1. Its completely done where Anger isnt, the 3rd person animations are in it and I switched 1st person up some. Installation 👍 Don't forget to leave a like, comment, and subscribe!Hello everyone! I hope you guys will enjoy this SkySA/MCO Animation that just got released on Nexus m. 3. Works both in first person and third person view. if your skeleton puts one-handed weapons on the hip, and you're using Dual Sword Wield on Back, it would obviously look pretty silly. I use Immersive Animations for some, Badass Dual Wielding for Dual Sheath Redux (I am trying out the SKSE plugin Simple Dual Sheath too) I really want those animations from Bergzore in DAR if I can make it so, as the dual wield weapon re-sheathing looks too damn cool to not have in my load order. It just always ends up looking like this. Blocking Animation Pack by 5poiler ===== Dual Wield Block Animations ===== Made specifically for Dual Wield Parrying mod. - The button which would let you. Blocking animation replacer for all melee weapon greatsword, battleaxe, warhammer, one-handed. True Directional Movement highly recommended. 7 Animations Sprint Power Attack - ESkyrim DW & mofu EldenRing DW 1. Delete all contents from folder Quiver - On Back Hip, except for config. I believe some kind of script attached to kye2_unarmed_fix_mgef is at fault. Open the MCM menu and change the block key in Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation for SSE to right click. Then you can, say, unbind Shout from right bumper, and bind it to, say, left bumper + X. I installed Attack+MCODXP+v1. Total DLs. 【Skyrim SE】Olivier Kenjutsu Dual wield Dagger MCO v1. Bikiniborn EX - Huntress of Skyrim: or OAR: Black Flame Friede Dual-Wield Animations SE: Blind people DAR animations: Blinding Light SE: Necessary for correct hand positions: bloodborne mace animation: Bloodskal Blade Fix but with Animation Way - DAR: Must have! 必须的好吧。 Blunderbuss and Proto-pistol Animation: Body. Question About MCO and Dual Wield blocking animations. MCO . - Skyrim versions 1. Install the Vortex app. Dual Wielding is a gameplay mechanic in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim that allows to wield a one-handed weapon, spell, or staff in each hand. This'll leave right. 1. Tried searching but it only Oldrim results showed up. 8 or later, or the animations will not work. kingpin_452 • 3 yr. A requested feature separated from SKYSA Grip Switch to be flexible enough to work outside of just one perspective. Attack speed of power attacks when dual wielding is decided by left hand weapon. When used with Smooth Combat non Combat Animation mod, the body does not twist when moving while blocking. He simply got his act together sooner. xxx should be compatible (not personally tested). Navigate to Dual Wield Parrying Configuration and Choose desired key for blocking. Made shit really bad for me at times lolSeconded. - Replaces default blocking animations for dual wielding, which are incomplete, with those of the torch animations. This will add random parry animation and block idle for 1hm one handed. Skysa + jh animation : dual wields left hand weapon enchantments. Make sure this mod loads after Attack DXP. Blocking Animation Pack by 5poiler. You can also dual-wield. The mod now sends animation events more directly than before, which was sending them by console commands. 3. Also, there's Dual Wield Block VR that will allow you to block with 1h weapons but also has the added effect of making blocking easier. replace 1hm+h2h sprint fw animation, now use the same one as pca - spm provided. Weapon drawing (when you equip or unequip your weapon) are dependent on your right hand weapon, regardless of your offhand weapon. There is a better mechanic, but I was not able to get it. Jul 20, 2022. Attacking with both weapons would be different from the normal tap attack, by being able to move and having different animations. Off hand attack is unaffected. 92. About this mod. Black Hound Moveset: Mandatory. g. While dual wielding and holding at least one Axe/Mace in either hand the Sneak movement, the dual attack and the special 3-hit power attack, as opposed to vanilla, the character will now remain in a stealthy position while performing. A mod in which you can immediately summon Bound weapon without summoning motion, change multiple weapons, and fight in real time. As such, two-handed or ranged weapons cannot be dual-wielded for obvious reasons. To update, uninstall your previous version, install the new version, then open Nemesis, click on Update Engine, after that finishes click on Launch Nemesis Behavior Engine. It is recommended that you use it together with the ER spear animations, as these movement animations are specifically designed for that. Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying Block Cancelling for MCO SCAR MCO Judge Eyes Crane animation (unarmed animations) Smooth Random Blocking animation. -Walk - all directions. Also, if it was unclear, this is a patch for another mod. It doesn't make you more lethal in a big fight, just more vulnerable. Each weapon adds its own defense action, and various animations operate randomly. The simple idea of blocking, which would be considered a basic stop for Skyrim logic, an attack with a small blade is simply not realistic because you only have control of the handle. The only thing that works is the stamina. This animation pack is free to get in here. Optional if using the Dual Wield Fix patch. 1 day ago · About this mod. Version 1. -. So I create these "bash" and "blockidle" animations for myself, inspired Resident Evil 4 (2023). Valhalla's Greatswords dual-wielding animation that plays when you equip two 2hm weapons at the same time. 0. - VR is probably technically compatible, but not recommended (I recommend using Dual Wield Block VR instead). This will boot the program housing all of the mods you have just downloaded. Easily the most insane dragon encounter I’ve had. Updated ESL version. But recommended: Precision Elden Parry Compatibility toml: Required or your bashes become useless: SHD and 2HM parry animation (Design for. Sword effects from Uniq. 6. The second work of the Crouching Dragon series, Dual Wield, includes SCAR, NPCs can use You can use any sword weapon for Dual Wield to play the animation The basic moves are the same as wolong. Dynamic Animation Replacer. Utilizing Dynamic Animation Replacer (DAR), this mod intends to correct a massive oversight from Bethesda. So which to pick seems obvious through the process of. Power Attack. It replaces some incomplete animations with those of blocking with a torch and adds a few new ones. Edit: FYI -. Also includes a. Can't seem to find any verification that this can be mapped in 1. 5. So I create these "bash" and "blockidle" animations for myself, inspired Resident Evil 4 (2023). If you have Dynamic Combat module : Load the esp in xedit and delete these records or you won't be able to attack > attacklefth2h, attackrighth2h, fistattack and fistattack2. Meaning you're also able to block whilst dual wielding. 3. This mod contains the following one-handed animations: -Equip. このmodは、MCO用の二刀流アニメーションです。このmodはスペシャルエディションのみです。This mod is a dual wield animation for MCO. While casting a spell with your left hand with a weapon equipped in your right, hold attack to block with your right hand. While casting a spell with your left hand with a weapon equipped in your right, hold attack to block with your right hand. Sorry if I'm being picky. Use a mod like Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation to add the Block action to a different key. I already have Eskyrim dual sword and dual dagger movesets and Elder Souls Dual sword from the AMR stance framework and and JH dual sword movesets installed. Dual power attacks (replaces forward power attack) have been extensively tweak and will break opponent's block. Adds proper blocking animations. Dual Wield Block no power bashing 1. This mod is a special edition. Do what you want. A simple dual wield parrying mod for SkySA. Leading mode Dynamic Animation Replacer Selection mode Dual Wield Parrying Mod for unarmed and Dual Wield block animation. add mt_sprintforward for male and female, it is same as pca - spm provided, so you have no need to worry replacement issue. Bloodskal Blade Fix but with Animation Way - DAR: If you use it. Unlike vanilla this mod will make player do 3 variation of parrying moves while blocking, except dual wield. So basically, I just want the same animation that is used for the dual wield swords on back for my axes, but the mod does not include that. It has responsive dodge rolls, procedural leaning, grip changing, mid-air combat, striking with staffs, dual-wielding two-handed weapons, 1st & 3rd person weapon animations, and more. The armors in the images are Kazakowy's Falka Armor and Full_inu's Ederim, The Venerable. The bashing animations are too sudden and unnatural, that stabbing motion is clumsy. 1 Hand Axe & Shield Animation - 4 Light Attacks, 4 Power Attacks. 5. But recommended: NPC Parry Style Stagger animations(OAR) Optional. I'm on controller so I bound it to LB. FOR THOSE WHO USE MCO AND THE DUAL WIELD BLOCK DOESN'T WORK: YOU DONT NEED THIS MOD, Mco has dual wield block included. I've checked out Dual Wield Improved Animations, Badass Dual Wielding, and 1HM And Dual Wield Animations Overhaul, but none of them are quite what I'm after. FYI, Know Your Enemies 2 messing up this mod unarmed block feature. When I tried to move the file dw1hm1hmblockidle from the usual animation to the _1stperson, the block began to look like needed, but only until I. (Optional) If using Valhalla combat make sure to go into its MCM's compatibility tab and change the block key to right-click as well. Mod for unarmed and Dual Wield block animation. One-handed governs your effectiveness when using one-handed weapons, including daggers, swords, maces, and war axes. From the video, it looks pretty neat. Combat Behaviour Improved with the optional extra dualwield blockhit animations to go with your Dual Wield Parrying. Every game will automatically load user settings. It. Leading mode. Every game will automatically load user settings. Get to the point, Kingsglaive mod is. Since I can't post a bug report I'll leave it here. Left Bumper + Back can trigger the Wait dialogue), but the in game settings don't let you change to these double bindings. High - ESkyrim Dual Wield Converted SkySA 5. ago. This mod is opted-in to receive Donation Points. Only issue I found is when I'm dual wielding swords that I can't block with them but instead I'd do the vanilla left hand. Most simple animation mods for Xbox only change the appearance in 3rd person view there are dual wield mods that allow you to block while dual wielding that you can see in 1st person but they all come with their own weirdness, bugs or disable features (like left hand casting) that makes them unwieldy to me. close. Installation: Downlaod the main file and Install with NMM Or MO, Select which style you are intend to use, Simple and quick. To use the block animation while dual wielding you will need to download "Dual Wield Parrying" mod, it uses a new key to trigger the blocking action while dual wielding. All games ; Skyrim Special Edition ; Mods ; Animation ; Leon Help - One hand sword or Dagger or Dual Wield block and parry animation (Design for Elden Parry and impactful blocking) OARBeyond replacing the dual-wield blocking animations in the current STEP mod, this mod also adds new blocking animations for one-handed and two-handed weapons. It replaces some animations from XPMSSE as well as adds. Dual wield Attack Moveset for Dagger/Dagger Sword/Sword War Axe/War Axe Mace/Mace 3. 2. If you press the attack key just before the normal attack motion ends, it will lock in place and attack without moving forward. with dual wielding i use swords as they swing faster the axes and maces. However, the optional equip animations may look silly if you're using certain skeletons. Unlike vanilla this mod will make player do 3 variation of parrying moves while blocking, except dual wield. Install it and let it overwrite Elden Parry. This thread is archived. You can't block but your armour will level faster I prefer two handed to dual wielding and sword and board. This will replace first person parry animation for all melee weapon, onehanded, twohanded and dual wield. . Dual Wield Axe Animation - 3 Light Attacks, 3 Power Attacks. im just giving out mere alternative instead of removing the block trigger alltogether. Install it and let it overwrite Elden Parry. esp 254 FE 6 TrueDirectionalMovement. Mod Checked 6: defdrg (draugr combat improvement) Mod Checked 7: dmco (dodge mco distar)So I've got Blocking Animation Pack and Dual Wield Improved Animations along with Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying and I can't for the life of me get the first person animations to work. Power attack animations for left and right hand. Makes the left attack trigger the weapon block and blocking animation when standing still or moving backward but behave normally when moving forward or sideways. g. The blockmechanic when dual wielding / unarmed (and maybe also spellsword), relying on Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying. No special instructions, just select Combat Gameplay Overhaul and SkySA in Nemesis and Update+Run Nemesis! At long last, jump attacks in SkySA! Compatibility ( Compatible Incompatible Requires Patching) SkySA - Seems to work without issue and with no extra instructions. Shoulder view - Customizable CameraThese animations will replace, While holding a one handed weapon in the left hand, the standing, walking and running left hand normal attack, the standing and directional left hand power attacks including the special/combo dual attacks with all one handed weapons. Expressive Facial Animation brings more lifelike emotions to the faces of NPCs, modifying everything from mouths to eye movements and beyond. Smaller swords do a poor job of basic defense. Skyrim Special Edition. Fixed left hand weapon clipping through the character when running while dual wielding. 2. "Vanargand" is for light character playstyles e. This goes for single weapon power attacks as well, as long as you're holding two weapons. This is done by basically re-checking the conditions the game normally checks to block without dual wielding. - Alternative Animations: By default, the mod uses most animations from Immersive Animations. Configure "Dual Wield Block" in MCM (Settings will be imported automatically from an existing save). Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying is what I've used for my spellblade playthrough. 9: Claw Animations for SkySA: Mandatory: Dante Balrog-. Though its a minor inconvenience for the most part. Removed . New actions include mounted casting, underwater combat, jump attacks, dual wield blocking, block while staggering, dodging, hold and release power attack , player headtracking, block. This is a Poise issue not an animation one. if you have a weapon equipped to it, the same goes for the right hand. Use a mod like Dual Wield Parrying Reimplementation to add the Block action to a different key. 0 Olivier Sprint DW V2 ---Dual Wield Daggers. XPM supports axes on back and even brings its own animations for it (SWP style and some other). Which means it. 1. Changelogs. There's a mod that adds different power attack animations to the left hand depending on the direction, and i THINK it's someting like "badass dual-wielding" or immersive combat animations or something. Games. Setup #1: Ebony Dagger (hotkey 1), Glass Dagger (hotkey 2). This will boot the program housing all of the mods you have just downloaded. This will change first person parrying for melee weapon and add stabbing bash. About this mod. Animations are available for Swords, Axes, Daggers, Katanas. Manual download. Skyrim:One-handed. Multi-hit. Neutral - None Low - None Mid - None High - None Sprint Power Attack - ESkyrim DW Daggers Olivier Sprint DW V2 ---Bows. is it supposed to look like this? maybe an incompatibility with OAR? is there any way to change it? i've read MCO allows blocking without the additional dual wield block mod that i have on my load order. Showcase of "Vanargand Animations - Sword Dual Wield Moveset". There is, of course, AllGUD but it only adds the second sheath, there is no sheathing animation for the left hand weapon. . Problem is, occasionally the block animation sticks. A simple dual wield parrying mod for SkySA. Say goodbye to Skyrim’s rigid expressions. Though its a minor inconvenience for the most part. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features NFL Sunday Ticket Press Copyright. It’s not perfect but it gets the job done and the mechanic is easy enough to. It looks like it's skewed. Download optional Belt fastened quiver file from AGO. Then you can enchant your weapons with Summermyst enchantments that make your enemies fall or miss their attacks. Selection mode. That is all!2. My buddy and I are using it. Mod main intention is to make movement more fluid, doesn`t drastically change dual wield animation. If you want a dual wield block mod for regular skyrim, I think this is the one most people recommend. esp or scripts, just animation files. Stay tuned for more content under the Elder Creed banner. Fire spells in Skyrim's destruction school deal damage over time, which can combo with the bleed damage of an axe in the right hand, or with applied poisons. 9. Skyrim SE Dual-wield animations based on "Black Flame Friede" from Dark Souls 3. Bow (hotkey 3). Will get an animation in ASAP for dual wield blocking so it looks better in 3rd person; Stave blocking, looking difficult, still trying on this one; Possibly get a workaround for the low mana in mage off hand issue. The installation steps below are for mods that don't already support the fix. Edit:I fixed it, its caused by VioLens, just load it before SkySA solved problem. I don't know which mods you are using. I if I equip any 2 weapons, my main hand attack takes a solid 40 seconds to execute, and I can't do anything until it finishes. Each weapon adds its own defense action, and various. Extract all the files from the folder meshesactorscharacteranimations to Quiver - on Hip folder (from the optional file) 4. I didn't want to change more than necessary. It doesn't look like that for me, no "X" pose. Leading mode. Use any mod manager or manually copy the content from this mod's 'Data' into your Skyrim SE 'Data' folder. New Mechanics . Combining the above makes for a nice combo, where you can block using two weapons, or with a spell in one hand. RMB now only functions as block even while dual wielding with the exception of left handed magic. Features: Very easy to use - automatically saves and loads settings, no user interaction required. ADXP I MCO ER Spear Basic Animation (SCAR) at Skyrim Special Edition Nexus - Mods and Community (nexusmods. There's a Dual Wielding Block mod you can download. Thanks to the wonderful mod "Elden Parry" created by Dtry. Require skysa 1. BUT dual wield have full package of blocking that. esp 25 19 High Level Enemies - Dragonborn. One-Handed, Dual Wield, Archery etc. C++ instead of Papyrus should give better responsiveness. Games. 『私は現在MCO本体のバージョンは v1. and although I've been hesitant on trying to share my. - Dual wielding swords (at hip); - Dual wielding maces (at hip); - Dual wielding axes (at hip); - Sword at hip and shield on back. About this mod. EDIT: a bonus for anyone having animation problems when using the dual wielding blocking, download this, extract the dw1hm1hmidle. videogame_asset My games. This mod is a combination of mods and requires SKSE64 and FNIS. The limitation is designed into the game from the start. Skyrim runs like trash with that Proton version. There are no . Since blocking/parrying for 2h great sword no longer works with CGO, I'm actually looking for a mod that adds or retain block/parry. LMB only functions as right hand attack which is suitable for SkySA. A simple feature that allows any of your weapons to be switched to DW mode or used with shield magic. HOW TO INSTALL: Simply place the "meshes" folder into your SteamsteamappscommonskyrimData directory. Dual Wield Block is what it says and essentially allows an easy option to block if you are dual wielding with a hotkey. I play with Ordinator, and have learned that I love playing with the unarmed perks there, and think it'd be cool to combine with the Wildcat changes and the ADXP combat mods. Skyrim Tips and Tricks: Duel Wield Build attack speed!👉 More Skyrim Secrets: Blocking for duals for 1st person does not work. Jan 12, 2022. -Run/strafe - all directions. Blocking animation for third person view, comes with three different variants for each state except dual wield. Changes in: 1. personally I thought that MCO required a dual wield block mod to block with unarmed/2 weapons but I might be wrong. This version is no longer being worked onThis mod adds weapons to Skyrim with custom attack animations, for both the Player and NPCs. If there are none out there, then maybe a tutorial on how to register a war axe as a sword or vice versa?Its also in the description in the mod where the author pretty much says its only meant for pure dual wielding melee builds. Off-site requirements. And with the dual wield perks you slice through everything like butter. 2. Dual Wield Block is an amazing mod though, highly recommended. Replaces vanilla unsheathe, idle, block, turn, walk, run, sprint and sheathe animations for two-handed weapons (swords, hammers and. Weapon drawing (when you equip or unequip your weapon) are dependent on your right hand weapon, regardless of your offhand weapon. 439KB ; 1. 4) Use Nemesis, update engine and launch nemesis behavior engine. Credits and distribution permission. esp : Allows you to block with the R key if you aren't attacking and aren't sneaking (Sneak and use R to sheathe your weapons). Dual Wield Parrying:. 2. txt list for DAR katanas. somehow when using mco together with valhalla combat it will disable dual wield/unarmed blocking. Donate premium membership. Currently trying different mod combinations to see what gives the best unarmed experience. In vanilla off hand is very passive and usually just hanging there static. 1. esm HearthFires. You will quickly notice that Arisen is not the Skyrim that you once knew, and in conjunction with the frameworks above, many mods are used to improve upon the Combat experience. {Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying} is your best alternative. First release. Smithing, the combat crafting skill, is used for making and improving weapons and armor. Will get an animation in ASAP for dual wield blocking so it looks better in 3rd person; Stave blocking, looking difficult, still trying on this one; Possibly get a workaround for the low mana in mage off hand issue. videogame_asset My games. close. All options are in SimpleDualSheath. Black Flame Friede Animations. Blocking while Dual Wielding weapons or Unarmed by replacing the left attack (works out of the box with controllers), MCM option for blocking only when walking backwards and disabling either Dual Wield or Unarmed Blocking. Just a simple tweak that mostly change the animation. json and horse_rider. 8 Way Vanilla Movement Animation 5. I downloaded this mod for general dual wield, viking dual wield 4 hit combo for dual axes and friede's moveset for her scythes. Savage Strike - 25% damage bonus to. By default all weapon options are set to show on the player and NPCs. The idle stance animation you see when dual-wielding (the one where you raise one hand in the air) is actually named the. Description - Lets the player parry/block with a new key, even if they're holding a second weapon (or a spell or a staff) in their left hand. 4. [/quote'] I get the sticking of block too. Install Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying in version: 1. We made the animations in a way to fit Skyrim's gameplay and SkySa, aswell as. Defense. esp : Allows you to cancel normal (not powerattacks) melee swings before they connect using the "Sheathe Weapons" key, like you can do with bows. download. 3a and 1. Skyrim:One-handed. The higher your skill in One-handed, the more damage is done with one-handed weapons. 1. Chain Whips: Chain Whips are a new type of One Handed weapon, they light of damage, a bit slower to attack with than a sword and provide mid range damage, they have near instant recoil recovery, ideal as an offhand weapon Due to the nature of whips being an animated weapon, they can sometimes be a bit jank in terms of animation,. esm Dragonborn. Install this version like other animation mods. With the addition of dual-wielding, one-handed weapons can be put in both hands in any combination. Key Bindable Dua. Thanks to an update, it also allows for quick entry into the "block state" which means people can react to attacks and block in time. You need two different one-handed weapons, such as swords, maces, and axes. So, it looks like the original Dual Wield Blocking mod for Classic works straight out of the box on SSE, now that SKSE64 is a thing. 0 animations might not work. added the ebony blade to _conditions. This is a bug from something else. Dual Savagery - dual-wielding power attacks do 50% bonus damage. For Mod Authors: To disable the overriden of "DW_ShieldAdjustment. I downloaded this animation, but the character keeps ice skating, i ran Nemesis and everything but it didn't fix it. So out of interest I figured I'd try converting ragnaroklucifers Reimplementation of Borgut's original Oldrim. 4. 23 17 Dual Wield Parrying_SKSE. 2. The animation fix makes the idle stance distinct from blocking. 1 completely modified it by increasing the attack key input timing. MCO . Black Flame Friede Dual-Wield Animations SE: Highly recommended but not required. Holding power attack does do the charged power attack. If you want the NPC to use. {Key Bindable Dual Wield Blocking and Parrying} is your best alternative. Install Dual Wield Block in version: 1. Version. Combat gameplay overhaul: allows you to one hand two handers, and two hand one handers. 8 or later, or the animations will not work. However, the optional equip animations may look silly if you're using certain skeletons. [deleted] • 1 yr. And its own requirements. But I agree with OP, I hate being stuck in place to do a dual wield attack. I just usually make custom enchanted swords nevery realy used deqdric/unique swords that much. By becoming a member, you'll instantly unlock access to 51 exclusive posts. great sword blocking - using the hilt too much, when using a great sword the blade is so long and more convenient. - posted in General Skyrim Discussion: I have been using DSR and love the animations for my sword and dagger tactics. V2. Precision - Accurate Melee Collisions. It simply adds a block key that you can bind to any key (I personally use 'X') that will allow you to block with any combination of weapons, shields, spells and fists.